2023 is the year of the reauthorization of the Farm Bill in the US, which means policy could not be more important.

That's why, as part of the Growing our Future initiative, Forum for the Future has asked:

What if companies and coalitions leveraged their collective resources to advance policy that prioritizes ecosystem health, community well-being, and climate solutions?

We are bringing actors together to collaborate on, and take a joined-up approach to, identifying policies that will support the transition to regenerative agriculture and simultaneously advance critical inequities in the system. We have particularly focused on equipping and educating organizations to understand the policies that would ensure access to policy programs for all food producers, especially historically underserved farm communities.

With the Farm Bill up for its five-year renewal, we know there’s an unprecedented opportunity to fuse two often disparate policy priority areas: the protection of ecosystems and climate, and the impact of agriculture policy on the people and communities who grow the nation’s food. Attention in policy here can address the deep disparities in who benefits from agriculture in the US, and ensure that a transition to regenerative agriculture systems includes everyone.

What we've learned

We’ve learned that prioritizing thriving communities is integral for the survival of both our ecosystems and communities – it’s not just a “nice to have” in upcoming legislation, it’s a fundamental pillar. If stakeholders were able to work more collaboratively to mobilize resources and join forces with grassroots coalitions on policy, the food system would be one step closer to aligning to goals that are centered on just and regenerative outcomes.

Going forward, we will work with stakeholders across the system to cultivate a unified voice for public policy and advance regenerative systems. 

Areas of momentum for the Farm Bill and beyond: A policy education toolkit to advance a just transition to regenerative agriculture systems

Tools for organizations to better understand the shared priorities of broad-based coalitions – and the rapidly progressing policy landscape – that would enable a just transition to regenerative systems. This resource provides a guide for stakeholders to understand legislation that cultivates inclusive incentives, enables farm-level adoption, and invests in producer-centric climate solutions, while also driving social equity and access for historically underserved farmers and ranchers.

Download the toolkit

Learn more about the Growing our Future initiative and our work to catalyze the transition to a just and regenerative agriculture system in the US

Funding provided by 

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The research included in the toolkits and publications was made possible through funding by the Walmart Foundation, The VF Foundation, David Rockefeller Fund and Nestlé. The findings, conclusions, and recommendations presented here are those of Forum for the Future alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of our funders.