Climate change. Inequality. Nature in crisis. 
Unsustainable ways of living and working have got us here. Now it’s time to reset.
Forum for the Future is about change: what it means, why it’s needed and how to do it.
We bring a focus on food, energy and business, and a unique blend of futures and systems-wide thinking.
All to reimagine the way the world works for a just and regenerative future. 
Why not get involved?

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Our focus

Forum is focused on enabling systemic and urgent action in three potentially game-changing areas:

  • Food

    How we think about, produce, consume and value food is changing. The food system is in transition, but will we go far enough and act fast enough? Read more

  • Energy

    How we think about, produce, consume and value energy is changing. The energy system is in transition, but will we go far enough and act fast enough? Read more

  • Purpose of business

    Too often business decisions unintentionally damage human and planetary health or impact the most vulnerable. Instead, the private sector can transform into a powerful agent of rapid, positive change. What’s needed to make that happen? Read more

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We create impact by convening innovative collaborations to drive change, by partnering with organisations to help them lead by example, and by building a global community of pioneers and change makers.

  • Equipping change makers

    We work with people and organisations to build their ability to think and act systemically and ultimately deliver deeper, longer-lasting change.

    Learn about our offer

  • Delivering transformational strategies

    We partner with progressive corporate leaders, NGOs, government agencies and foundations to create groundbreaking strategies designed to deliver sustainable outcomes. We also coach them on creating truly systemic change beyond their own boundaries.

    Unlock strategic opportunities

  • Innovating solutions through collaboration

    We convene collaborative projects that bring together people representing parts of the same system to address sustainability issues. We help them diagnose the system, identify key intervention points, and work together to deliver shared goals.

    Change systems with us

Our approach

Forum applies two core approaches: system change and futures.

  • System Change

    Many of our fundamental systems are no longer fit for purpose. Forum uses systems approaches to understand the web of interrelations that create complex problems, anticipate unintended consequences, and identify how and where to take action. Read more

  • Futures

    Forum harnesses futures for sustainability - using trends, visions and scenarios to challenge our assumptions about the world and help map out pathways to a more sustainable future. Our work on futures is captured on the Futures Centre, a global platform tracking and making sense of change, and in our annual Future of Sustainability report. Read more

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