Our current agricultural marketplace and conventional supply channel model works well for large farms and large buyers focusing on low-cost bulk trade in a few federally subsidized commodities. However, it does not deliver the environmental or livelihood outcomes needed and farmers farming regeneratively have limited market access.

That’s why, as part of the Growing our Future initiative, Forum for the Future has set out to explore:

What if we reimagined how regenerative products are sold and bought? How could reconfiguring relationships within a new marketplace model be the ‘secret sauce’ for strengthening regenerative marketplaces?

A new marketplace model – one that is in line with the principles of regenerative agriculture – is needed: a Regenerative Value Network (RVN) model – with the potential to provide a decentralized, collaborative, and regenerative model for the production, distribution, and purchasing of regenerative products, fostering a more resilient, equitable, and regenerative marketplace. 

Reconfiguring relationships between buyers and sellers from transactional exchanges to collaborative partnerships is a fundamental aspect of RVNs, enabling the alignment of shared regenerative goals and fostering a more resilient and just food system.

From conventional supply channels to Regenerative Value Networks: A new model for a regenerative marketplace

A resource for buyers and sellers seeking to understand the current challenges, potential opportunities, and emerging solutions for selling and sourcing of regeneratively produced goods. This toolkit serves as a guide to the underlying principles and pillars that form the foundation of this transformative model, providing ambitious vision coupled with practical guidance for buyers and sellers to drive positive change and operationalize a new marketplace model - Regenerative Value Networks.

Download the toolkit

Learn more about the Growing our Future initiative and our work to catalyze the transition to a just and regenerative agriculture system in the US

Funding provided by 

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The research included in the toolkits and publications was made possible through funding by the Walmart Foundation, The VF Foundation, David Rockefeller Fund and Nestlé. The findings, conclusions, and recommendations presented here are those of Forum for the Future alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of our funders.